The Blog

For me, one of the best ways to understand and resolve my confusions is to write about them. When they built me they didn’t include enough RAM, so I often have to put my ideas and thoughts into the physical world so I can even respond or interact with them. The likely consequence of this is me painting all my walls with that magic white board paint, but until that point I’ll stick to typing.

To that end, this blog is mostly me trying to understand and think about the world in an epistemically virtuous way. I’ve always enjoyed taking ideas seriously; even when the ideas are crazy or turn out to be bad. I have a pretty strong distaste for intellectual dishonesty, and have been heavily influenced by Julia Galef’s concept of the Scout Mindset. I hope to further build out my predisposition for rigor and truth seeking, and I think writing lots of blog posts might help with that.

The Author

Hi, I’m Max.

I’m a recent undergraduate graduate where I studied Philosophy and Math, though I’m not particularly good at the latter. For a time I considered getting an Economics or English major/minor. I was also briefly considering constitutional law as a career path, but this wasn’t very serious.Â

A picture of me from a hike I went on

When I came to college one of the first clubs I joined was my local Effective Altruism group. Since then I have gone on to facilitate well over a dozen EA fellowships, and also run my local EA group, though I’m not particularly good at the latter.

I’m quite nerdy and spend a lot of time consuming media. I’m especially fond of comics and movies, playing video games, and exploring things related to Effective Altruism. Maybe one day I’ll write some essays about these other topics.