Category: Altruistic Motivation

Once Upon A Time

The world was terrible. That’s something I didn’t appreciate for a long time, and I’m still not sure it’s something I really grasp. It’s one thing to see a statistic. It’s another thing entirely to sit and to try to imagine what those numbers are trying to say — what horror is tracked by the […]

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Beneath all things

There’s something horrific about the idea of hell.  Which is, of course, the point of it all. It’s not a particularly scary story without some horror to go alongside it. But I think there’s something far, far, more unsettling than hell itself.  Our response. It’s not particularly new as an idea, but forgiveness goes hand […]

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Privilege and Luck

I think maybe it’s worth highlighting that nothing I’m saying here is particularly novel, nor do I even endorse a lot of the sentiment I’m about to express. Others have said what I’m about to say before, and almost certainly better than I have. I think it’s still worth writing this for two reasons. Firstly, […]

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The lies we tell ourselves

In periods of extreme sadness, and in periods of witnessing such feelings in others, I’ve noticed that the very mindset of stress and pain alters how we perceive reality.  When I’m drowning in insecurity I become immersed in a story. I’m unlovable — and the reason I’m in pain is that I’m worse than everyone […]

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